Publishing to AppStore

  1. We assume that you have already installed Cordova, Xcode and other requirements specified here.
  2. Extract project to some folder, e.g. ~/MyApp. So that index.html will be in folder ~/MyApp/Application.
  3. Open terminal and move to folder MyApp
cd ~/MyApp
  1. Create new cordova project using this command:
cordova create IOS com.myapp MyApp
# IOS is the folder name
# com.myapp - is reverse domain-style identifier of your application
# MyApp - application name.
  1. Open IOS folder
cd IOS
  1. Add ios platform
cordova platform add ios 
  1. Now open file ~/MyApp/Application/config/index.js and uncomment lines to build to IOS folder:



module.exports = {
    build: {
        env: require('./prod.env'),
        //index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/index.html'),
        //assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
        //index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../Android/www/index.html'),
        //assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../Android/www'),
        index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../IOS/www/index.html'),
        assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../IOS/www'),

  1. Open Application folder and install libs, if you haven't yet:
cd ~/MyApp/Application
npm install
  1. Build project
npm run build
  1. Open IOS folder and build cordova project
cd ../IOS
cordova build
  1. Now you can open created Xcode project at ~/MyApp/IOS/platforms/ios/MayApp.xcodeproj and setup signing, icons etc.


For creating icon set we recommend you to use Icon Set Creator app from the AppStore. Drag your 1024px x 1024px icon to it and replace current cordova icon set at ~/MyApp/IOS/platforms/ios/MyApp/Images.xcassets/ with generated one.

  1. Connect device, build, archive and send app to AppStore.

You can test published Vue Mobile default app in AppStore by the link.